Read You Scraps without Logging In Your Orkut Account:
There is unique method to read your scraps without even logging in to your orkut account .For that you just require your UID........dont take tension that whats uid???? just open your scrapbook.....check out the address bar : something like this link will be there
copy the code written after that 'uid=' ie here in above example uid is 706185626704730513
Thats it.....
Now paste this Uid in following link and open the link in FireFox{4 better results,better look} or Internet Explorer{most sicko looks of your scrap book}...
And if you try to open this above link and your administrator has blocked this then use n in on this site place the above mentioned link and start browsing.[your uid]
NOTE: Mozilla FireFox has got better resultsDownload Latest Version Of Mozilla FireFox here for free